Writers are no longer reliant on traditional methods to publish or sell their work. Developments in computers, e-readers, tablets, smart phones and software now make it possible for authors to publish, market and distribute their own work.
BREAKING INTO PRINT: Finding an Audience For Your work SUMMER SCHOOL DAY ONE & TWO 17-18 Jan 10am- 4pm Fee: $140.00
Workshop Information This workshop is designed to:
Simplify and demystify the new technologies - using as little jargon as possible
Help you understand the differences between traditional and non-traditional publishing.
Explore the various ways you can publish your work using non-traditional methods.
Explain how to use on-line publishers like Amazon or Smashwords to distribute your work.
Explain the challenges and potential of each self-publishing method.
Help you identify which publishing options will suit you and your book the best.
How to promote and sell your work online using your own author website as a platform.
Show you how to think like a publisher/entrepreneur in order to give your book the best
chance of success.
SUMMER SCHOOL DAY THREE OPTIONS: Designed to complement the Breaking Into Print Workshop
Option One: How To Build Your Own Website
It used to cost thousands of dollars to design and build a website. Then you had to pay someone to manage it and update it for you but not any more.
An website gives you a professional on-line presence as a writer through which you can ;
Promote yourself and your writing
Engage with your readers
Give away sample excerpts
Sell your book - as a printed book or an e-book.
This workshop will show you how to build your own author website - simply and cheaply.
If you can send an email with a document, or a photo as an attachment, you can build your own professional-looking website simply and cheaply. TUTOR: Ro Cambridge FEE: Add $70 to base fee of $140
Option Two: Your Self-publishing Project
The opportunity for you to focus exclusively on your own self-publishing project in a one on one consultation.
A 55-minute individual consultation focused on helping you progress your self-publishing project. Whatever stage you’re at, Wendy will help and advise you on what you need to do, and how to do it - step by step. TUTOR: Wendy Scott