Individual Mentor Programme
Create a transition to a new phase of artistic and creative practice.
Who is this program designed for ?
This is an opportunity to become immersed in painting and forge your own artistic direction and confidence and develop your unique intuitive skills. This programme has developed over a long period of time and came out of a need to question the value and validity of the conventional art school system. The programme provides everyone interested in and working in painting and art making with the intellectual and practical tools to develop their skills. David Ryan has worked with thousands of students, and with his own discoveries as an artist and art educator it has resulted in this open-ended method to inspire, encourage and develop each student's individual aims. The greater learning experience realized in this programme comes about through a hands on journey of discovery based around your work. The crux of the Studio Practice Mentoring Program is to get you immediately started with a regular studio practice and to identify the thought patterns and habits that have been standing in our way, whether this is a lack of confidence, lack of time or missing skill sets. This Program allows you as a participant to discover for yourself the secrets and magic of art making and your relationship to it and how and why we humans respond to it. Modeled on a “studio practice style” of teaching with a strong practical and theory based guide to the formal aspects of art making and the medium of painting.
One to One Programme
The Studio Practice Mentoring Program is an indivudally designed program. David visits you in your studio and together you work out a program to meet your individual needs.
Fees are calculated on an hourly rate and there is a small travel charge for artists based outside of Nelson. For further details contact Jo Kinross on 03 5466791 or email jokin@ More about David Ryan |